You can configure Hexamail Guard to remap email to new folders.
Hexamail will automatically create folders that do not exist.
Use wildcards to map all matching folders to a new folder name, for example *Sent* -> Sent Items to map all folders containing the string Sent to a new Sent Items folder
The destination folder can also contain replacement tokens that hexamail will replace with information from the email being uploaded.
Supported replacements are:
<year> - year from email date
<mon> - month name (short) from email date
<month> - month name (long) from email date
<monnum> - month number (1 - 12) from email date
<day> - month day (1 - 31) from email date
<weekday> - week day (Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday) from email date
<wday> - week day (Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri) from email date
<from> - email MIME from address
<fromdomain> - email MIME from address domain (e.g from
<fromuser> - email MIME from address user part (e.g user1 from
<to> - email MIME to address
<todomain> - email MIME to address domain
<touser> - email MIME to address user part
<subject> - email subject
<subjectclean> - email subject with all numbers, start and end spaces and punctuation characters removed
<header_headername>- email header matching headername
<folder> - email original folder name (last part e.g. Customers/customer1 becomes just customer1)
<folderrpath> - email original folder name (full path, e.g. Customers/customer1 )
*Sent*:Sent items
Old Email:Archive
*:Archive <year>/<folder;>/<fromdomain;>
*:Archive <year>/<folderpath;>
Ignore SSL Certificate errors
Ignore SSL Certificate errors
Diagnostic Log
You can turn on diagnostic logging with this switch